In a little known event of the 1930’s British occupied South Asia, a handful of untrained teenage boys and girls, led by a school teacher, handed the British their first military defeat and liberated a town from the colonial yoke for the first time in the 20th century. Set against this backdrop, Chittagong is the story of the youngest and the most unlikely participant – Jhunku Roy. A studious, diffident and frail 14 old teenager Jhunku wouldn’t even come out to play football, let alone pick up a gun. CHITTAGONG tells the incredible story of how this boy becomes a revolutionary, and having joined the rebels, battles nagging self-doubts and reluctance on one hand, and a formidable enemy on the other, to achieve an impossible triumph.Chittagong is an uplifting action-drama, made more compelling by the fact that it is true.
105 Minutes
Historical, War, Drama
Bedabrata Pain
Bedabrata Pain & Shonali Bose
Bedabrata Pain
Manoj Bajpayee
Vega Tamotia
Sauraseni Maitra
Jaideep Ahlawat
Alexx ONell
Jonai Productions
Eric Zimmerman